Ski Chile and Argentina, on guided adventure skiing & snowboarding trips. Locations include resorts and backcountry throughout Chile, Argentina.
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266 NE 43rd Street
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Trip Basics

Travel with Unaccompanied Minor Children Email this article
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You will need a parental consent form that is in both English and Spanish (we can provide a template). The document should outline that your child has permission to travel with the Snofari Expedition leaders (we will provide these names and passport numbers).

  • Both parents must be listed and both must sign the document.
  • Please include the dates of travel for the time in Argentina.
  • Please include the passport number of the child traveling.
  • Please include the date of birth of the child traveling.
  • After the document is prepared, it must be notarized by the County Clerk.
  • The notary's commission must then be certified (called an "apostille"). To obtain the apostille, most states require that you send the notarized document with the request for an apostille to your state's Department of State. Snofari Expeditions staff will notify you of the requirements for your state.



You will need a parental consent form that is in both English and Spanish. The document should outline that your child has permission to travel with the Snofari Expedition leaders (we will provide these names and passport numbers).

  • Both parents must be listed and both must sign the document.
  • Please include the dates of travel for the time in Chile.
  • Please include the passport number of the child traveling.
  • Please include the date of birth of the child traveling.
  • After the document is prepared it must be notarized by the County Clerk.
  • This document must then be notarized by a Chilean consular officer in the United States. Send the notarized document with a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Consulate of Chile. You must include a cashier’s check or money order made payable to "Consulate of Chile" for the filing fee. Snofari Expeditions staff will notify you of the address of the Consulate you should send your document to for processing as well as the amount for the filing fee.
  • Upon entry into Chile, your child will be required to pay US$100 to the customs official. This payment should be in cash.



Please provide a document outlining that the Snofari Expeditions Leaders can seek medical treatment for your child if necessary. Please also include any special medical needs (allergies, current medications, etc.) your child may have.

There are no health entry requirements for Argentina, Australia, Chile or New Zealand, though you should insure that your child's vaccinations are up-to-date (especially Hepatitis A). Contact your local travel clinic or your family physician for more information. The Federal Center for Disease Control has information on its website at or telephone (877) FYI-TRIP.


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